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How To Find Out If Your Doctor Has Medical Malpractice Claim

A medical malpractice suit can be filed if a patient suffers injury, harm, or death because of inappropriate medical care. Last year, there were more than 10,000 medical malpractice payment reports filed with the Health Resources and Services Administration in the U.S.

Prior to choosing a doctor, make sure that he or she hasn’t been disciplined in the past by the medical board for unsafe behavior. And you should also determine if they’ve had any malpractice suits filed against them.

Americans Sue Doctors Frequently

Americans file a roughly 17,000 medical malpractice suits annually, and research shows that 75% of doctors in low-risk specialties have been named in a malpractice claim at some point in their careers. For doctors in high-risk specialties, that number increases to 99%. The American Medical Association (AMA) found that certain specialists, like general surgeons and OB-GYNs, are more than five times as likely to be sued when compared than pediatricians and psychiatrists. So, understand that the possibility of being sued is very real for most doctors and it’s likely that yours has been.

How Do I See If My Doctor’s Been Sued?

With these types of statistics, it’s smart to get the facts before you do anything. But first, here’s how you can see if your doctor has been a party to litigation:

  • State Medical Boards. Each state has a board that licenses physicians to practice in their state. These boards also hear disciplinary matters, such as suspending or permanently revoking medical licenses. Michigan’s Bureau of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs is found at A search will show you if a health professionals has been suspended, fined, or was the subject of other disciplinary action.
  • State Department of Health Services. Look here first if you have an upcoming hospital stay to see if any complaints have been made against your hospital.
  • Court Records. If your doctor’s been sued, there’s a public record which may be accessible online. If they’re not, you can obtain a copy (unless it’s confidential) from the County Clerk’s Office in the county where your doctor practices.
  • The Web. After you’ve done all of the above, do a search for the provider. A web search may uncover information that was omitted from other records. If you find that you doctor has been sued, get the facts before considering going to some else. We in the U.S. are a notoriously litigious society, so anyone can sue anyone else for any reason. This includes physicians. Legitimate cases of medical malpractice are well-documented, but every doctor who’s ever been sued has committed a medical error. The National Center for Policy Analysis explains that many lawsuits against doctors aren’t for medical errors. They’re claiming damages for administrative or financial issues, such as failing to renew their licenses on time or defaulting on a student loan. Significantly, the AMA found that in cases where doctors are sued for medical malpractice, more than 65% of claims are dropped or dismissed.

If you discover that your doctor’s been sued multiple times in the past few years, or that those lawsuits were settled or resulted in significant payouts to the patient—it’s something to consider. After you’ve done your research and considered the facts, you can continue seeing your doctor or opt to find another.

Call Buchanan Firm Today

You need an experienced medical malpractice attorney to have the best chance of a successful outcome in your medical malpractice case.

Our firm proudly serves people all across Michigan, including major cities like Grand Rapids, Muskegon, Detroit, Lansing, Holland, St. Joe, and Ann Arbor, and rural towns such as Lowell, Ada, Fremont, Newaygo, Grand Haven, Rockford, and Cedar Springs. We will meet you after hours, at home, or in the hospital to accommodate you.

Contact us today.