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November 5, 2020

What are Some Surgery “Never” Events?

Every surgery has risks. Some of these risks involve possible injury and death. Prior to a surgical procedure, there are forms to complete, and physicians’ explanations to sit through. These risks typically include complications from anesthesia, infection, and excessive bleeding. But they don’t include the damages when the doctor gives the wrong medication in...
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October 29, 2020

Nashville Man Sent Home from the ER Twice Dies of COVID-19: The Dangers of Missed or Delayed Diagnosis

Thirty-year-old Darius Settles of Nashville, Tennessee died on the Fourth of July. While many Americans were celebrating, Settles was at home when he stopped breathing as his wife and father watched. His family called 911 and began chest compressions until the EMT’s took over. They were unable to resuscitate Settles, and he died of...
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October 26, 2020

Pain Medication Overdose in the Hospital

Opioids are a class of drugs that interact with opioid receptors on nerve cells to alleviate pain. Many patients are prescribed these medications to help relieve chronic or long-term pain they have after surgeries or accidents. However, prescription opioids come with serious risks that include overdoses and death. What are the Types of Prescription...
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October 15, 2020

Assisting a Loved One with a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is caused by an external force that injures the brain. A TBI can happen when a person's head is hit or when the body is shaken hard enough to cause the brain to forcefully contact the skull, such as in a serious motor vehicle accident. Research shows that roughly 2.8...
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October 7, 2020

Tips for Sharing the Road

Our suggestions for sharing the road may seem basic – it is because they are. Using common sense and driving defensively can help you avoid many auto accidents that can injure other drivers, your passengers, and yourself. In 2018, there were more than 312,000 crashes in Michigan, resulting in nearly 1,000 fatalities. Many of...
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