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Buchanan Firm Joins Ada Business Association

April 3, 2024

Buchanan Firm is pleased to announce that it has joined the Ada Business Association.

Our law firm seeks fair and just reimbursement for the wrongly injured. Buchanan Firm has been recognized nationally for successfully helping catastrophically injured people and families of those who have died because of the misconduct of others. At Buchanan Firm, we manage only severe accident and negligence cases.

What is the Ada Business Association?

The Ada Business Association (ABA) is a non-profit organization established to promote the betterment of the Ada business community and to enrich the quality of life for its residents.

The ABA fulfills its objectives by planning and providing leadership for business and community-wide events. The ABA hosts several member and community events and sponsors business luncheons, networking activities, the Ada/Forest Hills Community Expo, Pumpkin Prowl, Tinsel, Treats & Trolleys, and other community-oriented events.

What Are the ADA’s Goals?

The ABA’s objectives include the following:

  • Function as an effective communication link between member businesses, Ada Township, and its community partners;
  • Increase customer awareness and recognition of Ada businesses and services;
  • Catalyze to improve the business climate;
  • Be a resource for new and existing businesses in the area; and
  • Promote a cohesive marketing/advertising plan for members emphasizing the ABA theme.

The ADA believes when businesses and organizations thrive, the entire community thrives, and we at Buchanan Firm feel the same way. The Ada Business Association supports our members by:

  • Creating connections to encourage mutual support.
  • Providing learning opportunities to assist with business development.
  • Inspiring Interactions that foster collaboration and growth.

How is Buchanan Firm Involved?

Buchanan Firm has been actively participating in member events. We are using these exciting opportunities to network and play a role in the Ada community.

For example, we look forward to hosting a Monthly Membership Lunch & Learn in the future. These lunches feature networking and an informative presentation to empower business owners with the tools and resources they need to succeed.

Contact Us

For a free consultation with an experienced medical malpractice and vehicle crash attorney, contact Buchanan Firm. Our firm proudly serves people all across Michigan, including major cities like Grand Rapids and Detroit, and rural towns such as Lowell, Ada, Fremont, Newaygo, Grand Haven, Rockford, and Cedar Springs.