No. There’s no difference We’re asked this question frequently by those with potential medical malpractice (or negligence) cases, and the two phrases are exactly the same. First, let’s talk about medical malpractice or medical negligence. To succeed in a case of medical malpractice or medical negligence, an injured patient must demonstrate that the healthcare...
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An experienced medical malpractice attorney in Michigan must show that medical malpractice has occurred when a patient is harmed by a doctor, surgeon, nurse, or other medical professional who fails to competently perform his or her medical duties. In Michigan, medical malpractice law requires that a patient’s attorney give notice of a lawsuit to...
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Medical malpractice cases can be extremely complex and take years to conclude. That is why you must hire a medical malpractice attorney with extensive experience in Michigan. In addition, in a medical malpractice case, there are some specific actions that you must take in the correct order to make certain that you receive adequate...
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Close to a quarter of a million people die each year from some type of medical malpractice. This includes misdiagnoses, surgical errors, misinterpreting lab results, and prescribing the improper medication or dosage. Medical malpractice is the number three most common cause of death in the U.S. Incredibly, a mere 2% of those who suffer...
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Research from Johns Hopkins University found that more than 250,000 people in the U.S. die each year from medical errors. Other reports say that figure may be as high as 440,000. If you or a family member has suffered an injury from the care of a hospital, doctor, surgeon, or other healthcare professionals, you...
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